I can’t believe how fast the first month of the year has flown by. The election has even come and gone. Now that the dust is starting to settle where do you find yourself when it comes to your goals and aspirations? Are you still on track? Or perhaps you created some resolutions in the heat of the moment and now are struggling to see them through due to a lack of feeling motivated or feeling overwhelmed. Now more than ever it’s really important to have a clear vision of where you’re trying to head. As you move forward as a professional or entrepreneur you may feel inclined to try different strategies or even explore different opportunities. And we know that in doing so sometimes failures just happen. The beauty of having a clear vision is that you can still keep your “eye on the prize” even in the midst of what may seem like present defeat. When you focus on the outcome it’s easy to feel dejected or even like a plain failure.
So maybe you have a professional or business resolution that you just can’t seem to make any progress in. First, you need to see if it passes the following 3 criteria:
- Does it align with your overall purpose, vision, and subsequent goals?
- Does it use or enhance your strengths?
- Does it have an ROI and enhance your profits, opportunities, increased clients, etc. in any way?
If it doesn’t then it’s time to let that resolution go. We all know that’s often a little easier said than done, right?
One BIG thing women often struggle with is letting go. We take letting go of an idea, task, relationship that’s no longer serving us as giving up. That couldn’t be further from the truth. Instead, adopt a “growth mindset” and view the release of that resolution as creating space for something that will make you more effective and fruitful. Below are some additional helpful videos to help you further clarify your vision and some of the steps you need to take to see it through. Of course, don’t hesitate to reach out if you want more one on one support. You can book your Complimentary Mindset and Clarity call here www.calendly.com/victoriabaylor/30min
Celebrating your Brilliance,
Let’s connect!
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